Skipper Bageri
2053 SOLD
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100 DKK
50 DKK

Pick whatever you like at Skipper Bageri in Østerbro — A new bakery you definitely need to know about

There's no shortage of good bread in Copenhagen, yet there are only a handful of bakeries that can compel Copenhageners to cycle all the way across town. Nearly a year ago, Carolina and Emil Mørkeberg (formerly the head baker at BRØD) opened the doors to one such spot in Østerbro – their sourdough and pastries attract enthusiasts from near and far. Skipper is in the running to become your new go-to bakery, even if you don’t live right around the corner.


Pick whatever you like at Skipper Bageri in Østerbro. Enjoy croissants ranging from plain to pain au chocolat, pistachio, and almond. Taste tea cakes, cardamom buns, and tebirkes. Delight in cinnamon swirls and lemon-poppyseed swirls. Indulge in canelé, brownies, and banana-chocolate muffins. Treat yourself to scones and tea buns. Get BMOs with cheese from Arla Unika. Buy country bread, baguette, and rye bread with toasted seeds. Bite into sandwiches with mortadella, mozzarella, and pistachio cream on Skipper’s signature sourdough. Buy cheese from Søtoftes Gårdmejeri, sausages from Troldgaarden, eggs from Hegnsholt, and much more.


The voucher is redeemable at Skipper Bageri.
The voucher can be used from today until November 23, 2023.
Each voucher has a value of 100 DKK. Purchase one or more vouchers.

Monday-Friday, 6:00-17:30
Saturday-Sunday, 7:00-17:00


It's spacious inside, with high ceilings, marble floors, and artisan chairs. Guests get a direct view of the bakers in action. They source flour from Kornby Mølle and Valsemøllen. They use Danish fruits and berries, exclusively when they’re in season. The chocolate is from Friis-Holm, and they get their dairy from Søtoftes, Arla Unika, and Thise. They create their own apple juice alongside Æblerov. At Skipper, the bakers are unwavering in their approach to ingredients, and their craftsmanship is in a league of its own.


Østerbrogade 103
2100 Copenhagen Ø